Advancing Your Health

Running Tips To Prevent Injuries and Get Race Ready

A woman running in a park with headphones

Runners experience all sorts of health benefits, such as better heart health, stronger bones, building muscle and maintaining a healthy weight. But just like in any sport or activity, runners risk getting injured.  

Want to start running or train for a race while preventing injury? We’re sharing expert advice from Amadeus Mason, MD, and Sara Raiser, MD, sports medicine physicians who specialize in running injuries and injury prevention at the Emory Sports Medicine Center.  

Running Tips for Beginners

Never run before? No problem. “Start slow and be patient with your progress,” advises Dr. Mason. “Before starting, talk to your primary care provider to make sure you’re ready to do vigorous exercise like running.”   

Running Advice When Training for a Race

Have your sights set on a race? Setting a goal like this can help structure your training as you work toward race day.  

Prevent and Treat Common Running Injuries

Some soreness and mild discomfort are normal when you start a running routine. But any pain should resolve in a few days or weeks. If pain lingers or gets worse, you might be injured.  

The key is to identify the injury early and get the right treatment so you can heal quickly. With the innovative, research-based care at the Emory Sports Medicine Center, you’ll be back on your feet quickly.  

Achilles tendonitis

Your Achilles tendon connects your calf muscles (in your lower leg) to your heel bone. Runners can experience tendonitis in their Achilles if they increase distance or speed too quickly or if they have abnormal running mechanics. Tight calf muscles or excessive pronation (foot rolling inward) can also cause tendonitis.  

To prevent Achilles tendonitis, increase your distance and speed gradually. Stretch and strengthen your calves after each run. And select the right running shoes for your gait. A specialist running shoe store can analyze your stride, determine if you pronate, and suggest a shoe that will help.  

If the pain and tightness in your Achilles tendon persists, Dr. Mason recommends seeing a sports medicine physician. Achilles injuries generally heal when the runner takes time off from running and does specific stretches and strengthening exercises. Runners may be able to cross-train with swimming, rowing or cycling while they wait for their Achilles to heal as long as those activities are pain-free. 

Runner’s knee

Runner’s knee refers to many different knee issues, including patellofemoral syndrome and patellar tendonitis. If you’re having knee pain, the first step is to diagnose the specific cause so you can treat it. Both physicians recommend scheduling an appointment with a sports medicine physician.  

Plantar fasciitis

If you have pain in the bottom of your heel when standing or walking, it could be plantar fasciitis. This condition happens when the thick band of tissue across the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed and painful. Wearing the wrong type of shoe or worn-out shoes, excessive running volume or increasing your distance too quickly can all cause plantar fasciitis.  

Wearing good shoes with arch support when you’re running and in your daily life can help. Focus on stretching exercises for your calf and the bottom of your foot and strengthening the small muscles of your foot with “toe yoga” exercises. If the pain persists, you may need to decrease your running and be aware that stress fractures in the heel may sometimes mimic plantar fasciitis. If you start feeling pain in your heel, Drs. Mason and Raiser suggest you see a physician to discuss the appropriate treatment plan 

Shin splint

If you increase your running volume too quickly, you may experience painful shin splints. They should go away with rest, and you may want to decrease your running distance before you slowly work back up again. Shin splints usually aren’t serious. But if you don’t rest so they can heal, they could turn into a stress fracture.   

Stress fracture

Runners can get stress fractures — tiny, hairline cracks in a bone — from the repetitive impact of their sport. They may notice pain in the shin, foot or heel that gets worse over time. The only way to know if you have a stress fracture is to get an X-ray, so talk to your doctor if you think you may have one. Runners usually need to rest for six to eight weeks as the stress fracture heals. Some stress fractures can require surgery if they worsen, so don’t ignore the symptoms! 

Sprained ankle

Ligaments support your ankle and keep it in the right position. But when those ligaments stretch too far, usually from rolling an ankle, it can cause an ankle sprain. A sprained ankle can swell, bruise and be painful. It gets better with rest, ice, elevation and the help of physical therapy, though it can take weeks to months to heal.  

No Pain, All Gain

While you may have heard of the adage “no pain, no gain” in sport, both physicians share the advice that “Running shouldn’t hurt!” So if you have pain that sticks around or gets worse, don’t push through it or write it off as normal.  

About Emory Sports Medicine Center

Emory Healthcare provides advanced sports medicine care throughout Atlanta. Our skilled and experienced sports medicine specialists, including orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers and more, work together to diagnose and treat the most common to complex sports injuries in athletes of all skill levels.

We use innovative treatments to help you heal and return to sports in a safe, efficient way. The experts at Emory Sports Medicine Center can pinpoint the cause of your pain and find the right treatment to get you back on your feet. You can schedule an appointment online or call 678-506-8974 

About Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center

Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center constitutes over 90 musculoskeletal physicians; the team is supported by athletic trainers and therapists helping to care for the most professional, elite, and collegiate athletes in Georgia – serving as the Official Team Healthcare Providers for the Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Dream.

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