Mental Stress Poses Serious Risks to Heart Health

Talking about stress is a common event in Emory Healthcare’s heart clinics. When talking with patients about heart disease risk factors or the causes of a recent heart event, Puja K. Mehta, MD, FAAC,...

Why Mental Stress Affects Heart Health in Women More Often

What happens in the body when broken heart syndrome strikes? Why do women’s hearts react more to mental stress? Puja K. Mehta, MD, FACC, FAHA, is an associate professor in the Division of Cardiology at...

Will Compression Hose Help My Varicose Veins?

If you are experiencing swollen, tired, and aching feet, ankles and legs caused by varicose veins, the first step toward relief may be wearing compression hose. Compression hose are the key component of a conservative...

New Programs and Technology Bring Advances to Heart Care at Emory Decatur Hospital

When Matthew Topel, MD, was named chief of cardiology at Emory Heart & Vascular Center at Decatur, his family gifted him the book The DeKalb Medical Story: From Berry Patch to Healthcare System, 1957-2009....

Can Sitting Cross-Legged Cause Varicose Veins?

“Did crossing my legs while sitting cause these veins?” This is one of the most common questions asked when patients with varicose veins are being evaluated. The simple answer is: NO! Now, if sitting cross-legged is...

Heart Surgery One Day, Home the Next – Thanks to TAVR

John Plageman figured they were just symptoms of age. Sure, he was feeling some numbness in his left hand and some slight chest pain, the latter of which he chalked up to indigestion. And...

Give Your Heart TLC Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment

It’s fitting that Valentine’s Day falls during American Heart Month. The month offers a natural time to think about the heart and its own need for loving care—particularly if you are living with cancer. Anant...

Minimally Invasive Robotic Heart Surgery: A Patient’s Journey

Emory Healthcare patient Bruce Kraselsky wants anyone who needs coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery to know that a much less invasive option exists, with outcomes as good or better than open-heart surgery. The...


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