A New Immune System Provides Hope After Hodgkin Lymphoma

No matter what she did, Tori’s “pesky cough” in the summer of 2019 just wouldn’t go away. Then there was the itchy skin, drenching night sweats and the weight—about 30 pounds—she says was “just...

Leukemia Patient Finds Strength and Inspiration at Winship 5K

Kimi thought she had the flu. But after going to urgent care and getting a complete blood count, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Shortly after, her body went into blast crisis, meaning abnormal white...

From Pregnancy to Cancer-Free: Christina Welcomes Baby and Survives Skin Cancer

Most moms are getting ready for their new baby at six months pregnant. Christina Wilkins was also facing brain surgery.  “My doctor at the time said I needed to get a CT scan on my...

Urology and Men’s Health

In a recent national survey, 55% of men stated they do not get regular health screenings, and 77% of them didn’t know their family history regarding urological issues. And according to data collected by...

How a Plant-Based Diet May Help You Prevent Cancer and Manage Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

When you want to lower your risk for cancer, what you eat can help. While some people have a higher risk for developing cancer due to genetics, research shows good nutrition alone could prevent...

When a Clinical Trial Offers the Best Hope for Cancer Treatment

People don’t usually think of a car accident as a godsend. But for Natalie, of Birmingham, Alabama, that’s exactly how she sees it. “I was in a car accident,” she explains, “and they did...

From Back Pain To Multiple Myeloma

Longtime Atlanta resident Dave Walbert was sitting in a recliner reading a book for about an hour. When he stood up, he suddenly felt a “little tweak in a muscle” in his back, he...

Obesity and Cancer: What To Know About the Connection

It’s scary to hear you might have an increased risk of cancer. The good news is that researchers like Curtis Henry, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at Emory University School of...


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