Mental Stress Poses Serious Risks to Heart Health

Talking about stress is a common event in Emory Healthcare’s heart clinics. When talking with patients about heart disease risk factors or the causes of a recent heart event, Puja K. Mehta, MD, FAAC,...

Why Mental Stress Affects Heart Health in Women More Often

What happens in the body when broken heart syndrome strikes? Why do women’s hearts react more to mental stress? Puja K. Mehta, MD, FACC, FAHA, is an associate professor in the Division of Cardiology at...

A Spine Surgery Success Story: Finding Relief from Back Pain

Pat Principe struggled with debilitating back pain for over a year – pain that radiated down her legs and kept her from enjoying her favorite activities. “I volunteer at a children’s hospital and through my...

3 Reasons Your Annual Well-Woman Exam Can’t Be Missed

Chances are your to-do list is already a mile long. You’ve got things to do, places to go and people to see. So why add one more item to your list? Well, when that item...

Innovative 3D-Printed Bone Implant Put the Spring Back in Natasha’s Step

When Natasha Bass survived a severe car accident in September 2016, she wondered if she would be able to walk again. With both legs and ankles broken in multiple places, she joked that “my...

Glioblastoma Is the Best Known Brain Cancer, But It Is Rare

Just the words “brain cancer” and “glioblastoma” can strike fear into anyone’s heart. And it is very scary to receive such a diagnosis. But despite their high visibility because of the famous people who...

Maternal Mortality: Know the Warning Signs and Act

Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting, even thrilling experience, and most women recover at home without much difficulty. But for some, the experience is much different. They develop complications before,...

How Collaborative Care Improves Head and Neck Cancer Survival

Our Head and Neck Cancer Multidisciplinary Program was a kind of incubator for what we at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University call “The Winship Way.” The program started practicing patient-centered care before it was...