Primary Care Providers: Your Partners in Chronic Disease Management

About 60% of Americans live with a chronic disease. These conditions, which include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and many others, typically can’t be cured, but they can be effectively managed. And...

How Emory’s Ryan White Program Helps Patients Thrive

“Social work is being that ray of sunshine for a person when they are in the darkest place in their life,” says Avril Philipps-Groves, a licensed clinical social worker at the Ryan White Program...

450+ Emory Physicians Recognized as Atlanta Magazine’s 2022 Top Doctors

Continuing Emory Healthcare’s history of strong representation in the annual “Top Doctors” issue of Atlanta magazine, more than 42% of the physicians recognized on the 2022 list are Emory physicians. This year, 463 Emory physicians...

The Difference Between Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Dehydration One of the most important things you can do to prevent heat illness is staying hydrated. Without the right amount of fluid intake, your body can’t keep its temperature at a normal, consistent level....

Heart Disease in Men

Heart disease is one of the leading health risks facing men today. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the United States, killing 357,761 men in 2019—that’s about 1 in...

How Is an Annual Wellness Visit Different Than a Physical?

After you enroll in Medicare there are a lot of things to learn, appointments to schedule, benefits to understand and policies to consider. A great place to start is by understanding your Annual Wellness Visit...

3 Reasons Your Annual Well-Woman Exam Can’t Be Missed

Chances are your to-do list is already a mile long. You’ve got things to do, places to go and people to see. So why add one more item to your list? Well, when that item...

Maternal Mortality: Know the Warning Signs and Act

Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting, even thrilling experience, and most women recover at home without much difficulty. But for some, the experience is much different. They develop complications before,...


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