Sleep Apnea and the Gender Difference

What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a common disorder where one’s breathing involuntarily and repeatedly starts and stops during sleep. There are three different types of sleep apnea with separate root causes: Obstructive Sleep...

Getting Help for Dementia in Your Community

At Emory’s Integrated Memory Care Clinic (IMCC), we know that caring for family members or loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias can be challenging, especially on your own. Thankfully, options for care...

Help at Home for People with Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias

At the Integrated Memory Care Clinic, we often field questions from family members and caregivers who are confused about the types of in-home care available for their loved one with Alzheimer’s or related dementia....

Inpatient Psychiatric Care

Finding compassionate inpatient psychiatric care for mental and behavioral health conditions is every bit as important as finding a health provider for your physical health. Yet, because there’s a stigma surrounding mental health conditions,...

Adult Autism: Beyond the School Years

Most people think of high school graduation as an exciting new beginning. But to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it’s often a time of confusion, stress and flat-out fear. They must...

Break the Stigma: Let’s Talk About Mental Illness

The words mental illness often bring specific ideas or images to mind. But, the reality is that mental illness affects far more people than you imagine. According to the National Alliance for Mental Illness...


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