Advancing Your Health

‘Your Fantastic Mind’ Season 2: Continuing to Take You Behind the Curtain of the Brain

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Emory Brain Health Center and Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) are continuing their partnership with a second season of “Your Fantastic Mind”. The Emmy-nominated television series features compelling stories on brain-related health and wellness. The first season of “Your Fantastic Mind” was recognized with five Emmy nominations from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Southeast Chapter.

Season 2 of “Your Fantastic Mind” premiered on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, and will continue to air new episodes each week through October 14, 2020, on GPB’s statewide television network. The show highlights patient stories and reports on pioneering science and clinical advances in the areas of neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, sleep medicine and rehabilitation medicine.

The season opener took an in-depth look at how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting our brains and minds, addressing potential short- and long-term neurological effects and the profound mental health impact of the virus on society and our families.

And later in the season, there will be a special two-hour episode examining the opioid crisis in Georgia which will include an expert panel discussing a wide range of topics and questions from GPB viewers. Other episodes will focus on memory, the minds of dogs, stress, and more.

“‘Your Fantastic Mind’ tells a powerful story about how much there is to learn about the human brain. Emory is proud to partner with GPB to showcase the latest research in brain health. Together, we’re exploring both the science and the implications of these astounding discoveries for our daily lives,” says Emory University President Gregory L. Fenves.

Each episode of “Your Fantastic Mind” features researchers, experts and patients from across Emory and other institutions, including the Georgia Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, University of Kentucky, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Rush University, and others.

“As we continue our work to improve lives and provide hope for the communities we serve, we are grateful for our continued partnership with GPB and the educational opportunity ‘Your Fantastic Mind’ provides by sharing powerful patient stories and transformative brain health with the people of Georgia and beyond,” says Jonathan S. Lewin, Emory’s executive vice president for health affairs.

‘Your Fantastic Mind’ Season 2 Lineup

For a complete listing of “Your Fantastic Mind” air dates and times, or to watch recent episodes, visit


About Emory Brain Health Center

The Emory Brain Health Center uniquely integrates neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and behavioral sciences, rehabilitation medicine and sleep medicine and transforms patient-centered care for brain and spinal cord conditions through research and discovery. Bringing these specialties together allows more than 400 researchers and clinicians from different areas to collaborate to predict, prevent, treat or cure devastating diseases and disorders of the brain more rapidly. These collaborations are demonstrated in numerous centers and programs across the Brain Health Center, including the Epilepsy Center, Pituitary Center, Stroke Center, Treatment-Resistant Depression Program and Veterans Program.

Emory’s multidisciplinary approach is transforming the world’s understanding of the vast frontiers of the brain, harnessing imagination and discovery to address 21st century challenges. Learn more about comprehensive, diagnostic and innovative treatment options at the Emory Brain Health Center.

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