Advancing Your Health

Emergency Preparedness: Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe

Sliding doors of emergency room in hospital

Emergency Preparedness KitWe don’t like to think about it, but emergencies can strike at any time. From major disasters to health scares, it’s important to be prepared so you and your family can cope with whatever comes your way.

For some, emergency preparedness is a daunting task. To make it less overwhelming, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest breaking it down into an easy-to-remember, three-step process:

  1. Get a kit
  2. Make a plan
  3. Be informed

1. Get a Kit

Make a kit of supplies you would need in a disaster. The Department of Homeland Security recommends your emergency kit include:

Gather your materials and store them in a leak-proof bin in a safe, dry place in your home. Then, determine a set time to check the expiration dates of the food, water and supplies in your emergency kit, which you should do at least twice a year. To be sure you can remember without electronic alerts, since your electronic calendar and alerts may not work in a disaster, make these semi-annual checks coincide with other important events. One example would be to make it a routine part of your spring cleaning and New Year’s goals. These are also great times to change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

Aside from creating and maintaining your emergency kit, you might also consider wearing a medical identification bracelet or necklace to notify emergency personnel of any health conditions.

2. Make a Plan

Sit down with your friends or family members and go over what to do in case of an emergency. Be sure to discuss:

3. Be Informed

As you gather emergency supplies for your home and discuss communication plans with your family, you should also familiarize yourself with the disasters most likely to happen. Be sure to sign up for alerts that will keep you informed of any potential emergencies. The City of Atlanta’s Mayor’s Office of Emergency Preparedness offers several resources to help residents get prepared, including NotifyATL. This automated system sends out critical information to help keep you safe, including alerts about weather, unexpected road closures and building evacuations.

You should also consider:

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About Dr. Walton

Velair Walton, MD, is an Internal Medicine Physician at Emory St. Joseph’s Primary Care. Dr. Walton’s clinical interests include Women’s Health and Lifestyle Medicine with a strong focus on diet, exercise, and living a holistically healthy life. She also has a strong interest in chronic disease, particularly empowering patients to navigate their diagnosis through health education.

Dr. Walton is a distinguished member of the American College of Physicians serving on the Wellness Committee for the Georgia Chapter of the American College of Physicians. In addition to her leadership roles in local community organizations such as the Athletic Fitness Association of America, she is a devoted student of the bible regularly serving in her local church.

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