Advancing Your Health

Can Sitting Cross-Legged Cause Varicose Veins?

multi-ethnic and different aged group of women seated with legs crossed

“Did crossing my legs while sitting cause these veins?”

This is one of the most common questions asked when patients with varicose veins are being evaluated. The simple answer is: NO!

Now, if sitting cross-legged is coupled with other risk factors such as being overweight, female, pregnant, sedentary and/or on your feet for long periods of time, that behavior may contribute to their development, but it is not the sole reason you have them.

Causes of Varicose Veins

In most cases, the primary cause of varicose veins is an inherited predisposition. So, if a close family member has varicose veins, it’s likely that you may develop them. Here’s why.

Veins are designed to return blood from the legs back to the heart through a series of valves. If, due to heredity, you have too few valves, valves that are weak and do not function properly, or weak vein walls, the likelihood of you getting varicose veins increases.

When veins become varicose or enlarged, blood will pool in these superficial veins rather than efficiently move back to the heart. This excess blood, and the pressure that results, stretches and dilates the veins and often leads to symptoms of aching, heaviness and fatigue.

Treatments for Varicose Veins

The good news is that modifying your lifestyle and behaviors can minimize the discomfort and pain caused by varicose veins, so you do have some control over the condition even if genetics are not on your side.

If these conservative treatment measures outlined above do not provide adequate symptom relief, your doctor may recommend more specific, minimally invasive treatment. There are several non-surgical procedures, including vein ablation, that are almost always performed in the office with little or no recovery time. The goal is to close the abnormal vein, relieving the pressure so the symptoms disappear. Often the unsightly appearance of the varicose veins is also diminished.

If you have bothersome veins and would like an evaluation by our board-certified vascular surgeons, schedule an appointment at Emory Vein Center today. Your legs will thank you!


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